Clubster NHL has implemented a specific action programme dedicated to the emergence and support of cooperative research projects led by or implemented by regional stakeholders in nutrition/ health sectors, in cooperation with European stakeholders.
Clubster NHL & Eurasante teams benefit from expertise in the implementation, coordination, and participation of European projects, especially within the framework of the Interreg cross-border and transnational programmes.
Clubster NHL is very active in setting up and supporting the development of European projects (Interreg, Horizon Europe, Erasmus +) directly involving the cluster or its members.
Ongoing European projects on nutrition and health involving Eurasanté and Clubster NHL
INTERREG France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen – Food RADARS – Improving the competitiveness of agri-food businesses
INTERREG EUROPE – NOTRE – Novel Methods Improving Production Innovation Potential with Examples of Senior care-related Solutions.